AMA signs cooperation agreement with Romanian RIFA (Rural Investment Financing Agency)
Last Monday, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture Mr. George Octavian Turtoi and the General Manager of the Paying Agency RIFA Mr. David Eugen Popescu met the General Director of AMA, Mr. Günter Griesmayr.
The aim of the visit was to deepen and extend the collaboration amongst both institutions dealing with rural development measure implementation.
A Cooperation Agreement was signed to strenghten the exchange of know how and experience in the implementation, monitoring and control of agricultural support measures.

MA General Director Mr. Griesmayr
(middle), State Secretary Mr. Turtoi,
RIFA General Director Mr. Popescu
(right), International Cooperation
Mr. Patschka and Agricultural Attache
Mr. Zimmerl (left)

The aim of the visit was to deepen and extend the collaboration amongst both institutions dealing with rural development measure implementation.
A Cooperation Agreement was signed to strenghten the exchange of know how and experience in the implementation, monitoring and control of agricultural support measures.

MA General Director Mr. Griesmayr
(middle), State Secretary Mr. Turtoi,
RIFA General Director Mr. Popescu
(right), International Cooperation
Mr. Patschka and Agricultural Attache
Mr. Zimmerl (left)

AMA General Director Mr. Griesmayr (right) and RIFA General Director Mr. Popescu (left)