Capacity development of the Ministry of Agriculture in consulting on Less Favoured Area Development in Georgia - Final Workshop
A workshop held in Tbilisi on the 26 February 2015 marked the end of the FAO project “Capacity development of the Ministry of Agriculture in consulting on Less Favoured Area Development in Georgia”.
The experts from the Austrian Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics (AWI) and the Austrian Federal Institute for Less Favoured and Mountainous Areas (BABF) presented the overall draft project results on LFA criteria, delineation and potential impacts of LFA support.
The workshop was concluded with a final discussion on types and criteria for possible LFAs in Georgia, the options and impacts of potential Georgian LFA support, the organisational structures for potential LFA support including the next steps.

Final workshop in Tbilisi

Starting from left: Mr. Hovorka (BABF),
Mr. Wagner (AWI), Mr. Patschka (AMA)
and Mr. Gmeiner (BABF)
The experts from the Austrian Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics (AWI) and the Austrian Federal Institute for Less Favoured and Mountainous Areas (BABF) presented the overall draft project results on LFA criteria, delineation and potential impacts of LFA support.
The workshop was concluded with a final discussion on types and criteria for possible LFAs in Georgia, the options and impacts of potential Georgian LFA support, the organisational structures for potential LFA support including the next steps.

Final workshop in Tbilisi

Starting from left: Mr. Hovorka (BABF),
Mr. Wagner (AWI), Mr. Patschka (AMA)
and Mr. Gmeiner (BABF)