Central European Initiative know-how exchange program contributes with 33,000 EUR to a cooperation project between Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) and the Moldavian Paying Agency AIPA

A from the Central European Initiative know-how exchange program with 33,000 EUR co-financed project between Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) and the Moldavian Paying Agency AIPA “Support to the Agency of Interventions and Payment for Agriculture (AIPA) of Moldova” has officially started this week.
The cooperation between AIPA and AMA is based on a Memorandum of Understanding, signed on 7 November, 2012 in Vienna where Moldova and Austria expressed their intention to intensify mutual cooperation in the field of Agriculture and Rural Development. In this context the partners agreed on know how transfer in particular with respect to safe and secure EU like payment administration.
The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the development of the agricultural sector through capacity building in the agricultural administration of Moldova aligning with EU CAP policy implementation principles. According to this Know-how exchange program AIPA staff will be trained by AMA experts in EU best practice in the fields of:
• Financial administration
• Rural Development investment project administration
• On-the-spot control of agricultural support schemes
• Internal audit
• Registers (farm register, LPIS, I&R)
This includes short term expert missions of AMA experts to Moldova, high level seminar for agricultural decision makers in Moldova in order to raise awareness on EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and study visits of AIPA experts to Austria.