Consulting Service on Less Favoured Area Development in Georgia
AMA was selected by FAO Georgia as the lead partner to implement a project in the field of capacity development of the Ministry of Agriculture in consulting on Less Favoured Area Development in Georgia.
Experts from the Austrian Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics (AWI) and the Austrian Federal Institute for Less Favoured and Mountainous Areas (BABF) will provide their wide knowledge in this specific area by carrying out field missions to Georgia.
The respective project shall give an overview about existing European policies and practices in relation to LFAs including an overview of LFA payment schemes and describe the current situation regarding identification and designation of LFAs. Further activities include the proposal for the definition of indicators for LFAs in Georgia. Opportunities and possible constraints for the implementation of delineation and policies for supporting LFAs have to be taken into consideration.
The project activities are planned to be implemented in the first quarter of 2015.