Delegation from the Lithuanian Paying Agency visits AMA
Today, a delegation of experts from the Lithuanian Paying Agency visited AMA to get acquainted with the administration of Rural Development measures in Austria. AMA experts held presentations on the implementation of the Austrian Environmental Programme as well as the investment measures and discussed the peculiarities of the different systems with their Lithuanian counterparts. The Austrian Environmental Programme is the second biggest (550m €) and the investment measures the third (325m €) biggest agricultural support scheme AMA approves, authorises and executes every year.

The Lithuanian experts, from left to right:
Sonata Miškinienė-Director of Direct
Support Department, Saulė Važgauskaitė
- Deputy Head of Project Evaluation Unit,
Rural Development and Tomas Orlickas
-Deputy Director of Strategic Management

The Lithuanian experts, from left to right:
Sonata Miškinienė-Director of Direct
Support Department, Saulė Važgauskaitė
- Deputy Head of Project Evaluation Unit,
Rural Development and Tomas Orlickas
-Deputy Director of Strategic Management