Expert visit from the Croatian Paying Agency from 21 February to 22 February 2018


Experts from the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development in Croatia discussed with colleagues from AMA and the Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism different rural development measures. The main objective was to share and exchange expertise in the field of the rural development programme.

On the first day the measure M 16 “Cooperation – Implementation of operation 16.1.2. and 16.4.1.” was discussed and the following points/questions clarified:

  • Knowledge and approach to innovations, including innovative processes.
  • Support for the horizontal and vertical cooperation of participants in supply chain for setting up and development of supply chains and local markets.
  • How to calculate and implement the simplified cost options (SCO) for projects financed from EAFRD?
  • What are the consequences of the control process and audit related to implementation of SCO in RDP 2014-2020?

During the second day, the experts exchanged information and discussed the measure M 3 “Quality systems for agricultural products and food” – implementation as well as the measure M 6 “Development of agricultural farms and business”. The experts of the Croatian Paying Agency were interested in advance payments and forms of implementation:

  • Register of double financing – verification of double financing.
  • State aid interference in rural development measures that aren’t directly in agriculture.
  • Fulfilment of criteria for awarding of De-minimis aid.
  • Site visit of forms of implementation and who works in the system.
  • Implementation of measures with aid awarded based on fix costs (lump sum and standard cost).


Croatian and Austrian experts