Expert visit from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy and the Paying Agency from the FYR of Macedonia
During a 2-day visit the experts were informed in detail about the national LPIS system including practical examples. The study visit programme was further dedicated to the rules for highland pastures and the compliance with the EU regulation with practical examples.
On the next day a presentation on Less Favoured Areas in Austria was provided by an expert from the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. The Macedonian experts showed particular interest for its practical implementation since Austria has gained considerable experience specifically in the mountain area. The discussion focused also on the future changes and the new challenges related to LFA payments for mountain farmers.
After a presentation on organic farming in Austria, the Macedonian experts visited the regional Chamber of Agriculture in Hollabrunn with a focus on its main tasks regarding the application procedure and their service provided to farmers. The study tour was concluded by an organic farm visit.
On the next day a presentation on Less Favoured Areas in Austria was provided by an expert from the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. The Macedonian experts showed particular interest for its practical implementation since Austria has gained considerable experience specifically in the mountain area. The discussion focused also on the future changes and the new challenges related to LFA payments for mountain farmers.
After a presentation on organic farming in Austria, the Macedonian experts visited the regional Chamber of Agriculture in Hollabrunn with a focus on its main tasks regarding the application procedure and their service provided to farmers. The study tour was concluded by an organic farm visit.