Expert visit from the Turkish IPARD Agency ARDSI supported under TAIEX
During a one week visit in beginning of November, 3 experts from the Turkish Paying Agency ARDSI received an intensive training in the field of the On-the-Spot-Control. The main goal was to gain a better understanding and analyse of the EU standards applied to agricultural holdings/enterprises and capacity building for on the spot control operations on the issue within implementation of the IPARD Programme in Turkey.
The first two days were dedicated to a theoretical training in the premises of AMA in Vienna. AMA’s Technical Inspectorate Department with its organization, staffing, inspectors equipment, training, quality assurance and the interfaces with other technical departments, was presented. Another task was to present a general overview on the Austrian agri environmental programm ÖPUL.
After the theoretical training the experts travelled to Styria, to get more acquainted with the simulations of on the spot controls on agricultural holdings and its administration. The practical training was organised by AMA´s technical office in Graz. Best practice examples were shown in the milk sector, honey production and diversification of on farm activities like holidays on farm.
Additionally a visit to the Chamber of Agriculture in Graz was organised, where its main tasks and their service provided to the farmers were presented.

Experts from ARDSI, Turkey

Organic honey producer, Bio Amplatz,