High Level Conference with former EU Commissionaire Franz Fischler in Chisinau

A High level conference, organized within the framework of the CEI co-financed project between Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) and the Moldavian Paying Agency AIPA, was conducted today in Chisinau, Moldova.
Three international speakers, Mr Franz Fischler, the former EU Commissionaire for Agriculture and Fisheries, Mr Ernst Unger from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water management and Ms Michaela Pichler from Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) made presentations and gave recommendations on successful alignment with EU requirements.
About 150 participants representing the Agri-food sector, rural society, NGOs, and Government were present to get acquainted with this key subject which definitely will deeply affect the future Moldavian national Agricultural and Rural development policy.