Official closure of the Moldavian CEI project, co-financed by the CEI with funding of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)

The official closing meeting of the CEI project” Support to the Agency of Interventions and Payment for Agriculture (AIPA) of Moldova” was held on 3rd December in Chisinau.
The General Director of AIPA pointed out in his presentation that this project significantly supported the agricultural administration of Moldavia. He summarized the overall project activities and presented the recommendations provided by the Austrian experts.
The gained know how and provided recommendations will support the Moldavian administration to implement the necessary next steps on their path towards the implementation of EU principals.
Based on the know how transfer and best practice examples provided by Austrian Paying Agency experts, the Moldavian agricultural administration will undertake further steps to strengthen the following fields:
• Financial Administration
• Rural Development Investment Project Administration
• On-the-spot control of agricultural support schemes
• Internal Audit
• IT system and the registers (farm register, LPIS, I&R)
The Austrian and Moldavian partners will continue a long lasting relationship which includes regular know how exchange and project cooperation with the aim of further strengthening the Agricultural Payment Administration.
Mr Petru Maleru, Director of AIPA
AIPA and AMA representatives