Presentation of the IPARD II Programme 2014-2020 at the agricultural fair in Novisad
The traditional agricultural fair in Novisad took place from 9 till 15 May 2015. The Head of the Managing Authority, Mr. Dragan Mirkovic, used the occasion to present the Serbian IPARD Programme 2014-2020 to a wide range of stakeholders. The aim is to increase the awareness for EU Rural Development Funds in the pre-accession period. The deputy head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Mr. Oscar Benedict underlined that IPARD funds will be available for Serbia, once the national accreditation of the operating structure is attained and entrustment of budget implementation by the EC achieved.

Dragan Mirkovic, Head of Managing
Authority and Assistant Minister,
Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental
Protection, Serbia
Austrian experts held presentations on Austria 20 years member of the EU, cattle farming and pig production in Austria.

Serbian Minister Ms. Snezana
Bogosavljevic-Boskovic,Thomas Schweigl,
Ignaz Knöbl, Aleksandar Bogunovic,
Dragan Mirkovic
The IPARD II Programme, which was approved by the European Commission in January 2015 was jointly elaborated under the previous EU financed Twinning Light Project implemented by AMA. The Programme will provide support to measures enabling growth and development in agricultural production and processing to ensure a competitive, sustainable and efficient agriculture in Serbia.
The Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Mr. Andrä Rupprechter visited together with Ms. Snezana Bogosavljevic-Boskovic, the Serbian Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection the agricultural fair. Both ministers underlined the long collaboration and signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further deepen the excellent relationship and to support Serbia on its way to join the European Union.

Dragan Mirkovic, Head of Managing
Authority and Assistant Minister,
Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental
Protection, Serbia
Austrian experts held presentations on Austria 20 years member of the EU, cattle farming and pig production in Austria.

Serbian Minister Ms. Snezana
Bogosavljevic-Boskovic,Thomas Schweigl,
Ignaz Knöbl, Aleksandar Bogunovic,
Dragan Mirkovic
The IPARD II Programme, which was approved by the European Commission in January 2015 was jointly elaborated under the previous EU financed Twinning Light Project implemented by AMA. The Programme will provide support to measures enabling growth and development in agricultural production and processing to ensure a competitive, sustainable and efficient agriculture in Serbia.
The Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Mr. Andrä Rupprechter visited together with Ms. Snezana Bogosavljevic-Boskovic, the Serbian Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection the agricultural fair. Both ministers underlined the long collaboration and signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further deepen the excellent relationship and to support Serbia on its way to join the European Union.