Staff of Kosovo’s Managing Authority got one week training in Austria
6 experts of the Managing Authority of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) of Kosovo visited Austria to receive training on EU like Rural Development implementation. The programme included the administration of the Austrian Environmental Programme, the Compensatory Payment for Less Favoured Areas, the LEADER Programme as well as legal aspects of payment administration. In addition, a LEADER Local Action Group (LAG) was visited and best practice projects were shown to the trainees to get acquainted with the wide spectrum of visions possible to be supported under the EU Rural Development scheme.

Study visit participants, from left to right:
Fisnik Sadikaj, Bekim Cikaqi, Mimoza
Morina (interpreter), Nysrete Doda, Arizona
Dibra, Lindita Dragusha, Goran Markovic

Study visit participants, from left to right:
Fisnik Sadikaj, Bekim Cikaqi, Mimoza
Morina (interpreter), Nysrete Doda, Arizona
Dibra, Lindita Dragusha, Goran Markovic