TAIEX visit from the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection on control procedures of organic products from 26th of May until 28th of May
Under the frame of TAIEX, a study visit on control procedures of organic products and import of organic products was organised by AMA.
The experts for organic production within the department in charge of food quality and labelling within the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection (MAEP) in Serbia got acquainted with the control procedures and its required documentation in the field of organic products. Furthermore, the visit focused on the role of inspectors for on spot controls in the field of organic production.
Austrian experts from the following institutions were invited to present their specific role and overall tasks in the respective field:
- Agrarmarkt Austria, Austrian Paying Agency, Vienna
- Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
- Ministry of Health, Vienna
- Provincial Government of Lower Austria
- SGS Austria, Accredited Control Body, Vienna
- Bio Austria, Organic Farmers Association, Vienna

Presentation of Mr. Deim - SGS
During a one day field trip to the region of Lower Austria, area Hollabrunn the participants were shown organic farms including direct selling of home-produced organic foodstuffs and an organic potato production.

Serbian and Austrian Experts at organic
potato producer Niedermayer

Serbian and Austrian Experts at organic
family farm Filz