Twinning Light Project Serbia - Closing Meeting

On Wednesday December 2nd 2015, the closing meeting for the EU funded Twinning Light Project SR2012/IB/AG01TL „ Assistance to Managing Authority of the Serbian MAEP in negotiation of IPARD 2014-2020 Programme”, was held.
The project was implemented by Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA), the Austrian Paying Agency for Agriculture and Rural Development with short term experts from other Member State countries.
The overall objective of this Twinning Light Project was to assist the preparation of the Serbian Agriculture and Rural Development Sector for the implementation of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
The project purpose was to strengthen the institutional capacities of the Managing Authority of the Serbian MAEP in order to implement the Rural Development component of the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPARD) [Council Regulation (EC) No 1305/2014].
The project, with a budget of € 230.000, was financed by the European Commission and the activities were implemented within 8 months, until December 2015.
The project benchmarks were achieved through co shared efforts from experts of the Serbian Managing Authority and international experts coming from Austrian, Bavarian, Bulgarian and Croatian agricultural institutions. The commonly agreed work plan focused on the elaboration and finalisation of Manuals of Procedures for the national accreditation and to perform training for the Advisory Service on their future tasks under IPARD.
The Twinning Light Project actively supported capacity building through on the job training to prepare the Managing Authority for the upcoming Entrustment of Budgetary Tasks by the EC.
All project partners emphasised on the excellent collaboration as well as the successful project implementation and are looking forward to continuing on new projects in the near future.