Twinning Moldova - Kick off meeting held
01.03.2017With the kick off meeting held on Thursday 23rd of February at Hotel Jolly Alon in Chisinau, the Twinning project "Capacity building of the Moldovan Agency for Intervention and Payment in Agriculture (AIPA) for the application of EU norms and standards for the administration of ARD support schemes" was officially launched.
On 7 December 2016 an EU financed Twinning Project in the field of agriculture and rural development between public institutions from Austria, Czech Republic and Poland and the Agency for Intervention and Payment in Agriculture in Moldova formally started.
The official Kick-off Meeting was held on Thursday, 23rd of February at Hotel Jolly Alon in the presence of the Twinning Management team and the following high ranking officials from AIPA, EU Delegation, involved embassies, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry as well as State Chancellery.
The overall objective of this Twinning Project is to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry in improving its financial capability and governance to implement the Agriculture and Rural Development policy objectives. The project purpose is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Agency for Intervention and Payment in Agriculture to administer Agriculture and Rural development support measures in line with EU norms and standards.
To reach these objectives the project will involve numerous high qualified experts from the Austrian Paying Agency Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA), the State Agricultural Intervention Fund (SZIF) of the Czech Republic, the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA) of Poland to support the counterparts here in Moldova.
Thereby the focus will be laid on 3 main components:- New organisational structure and legal basis for AIPA in line with EU requirements
- Comprehensive documentation covering all the functions of AIPA
- Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening
The project budget is € 1.2 million, financed by the EU. The project duration is 24 months, from December 2016 to December 2018. More than 570 expert days will be implemented by the consortium.

High official representatives