Twinning Project “Support to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) in legislative and policy development and in implementing the Agricultural and Rural Development Program (ARDP)” in Kosovo is the winner of the European Projects Awards IPA 2013

On Monday, 7th of October 2013 the Awards Ceremony for the European Projects Awards IPA 2013 was held in Brussels. The winner of the category “on-going projects” is the Twinning Project implemented by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water management and the Austrian Paying Agency with the German Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection in Saarland and the Hungarian Ministry for Rural Development.
With the support of this partnership-project MAFRD is on-going to establish new EU compliant structures for programming and implementation of the ARDP and CAP in the future, namely the Managing Authority within the Rural Development Policy Department and the Agriculture Development Agency as Paying Agency. By having fully established the necessary implementing structures and by having adopted an ARDP in line with the EU Common Agriculture Policy and IPA requirements, Kosovo’s agriculture will have access to further IPA funds.
The European Projects Awards 2013 shows that the efforts of the 2012 started cooperation are honoured and targeted in the right directions, since the European Project Association gives this price only to those public entities, states, counties, cities, governmental agencies, public educational institutions or private organisations that implement a project with overall impact on the community, economy and local/regional policies, the most efficient project partnership and the best innovative approach and methodology chosen.